European Directive 27/2012
Energy Audits are becoming mandatory for Non SMEs
Τhe harmonization of the Cyprus legislation (amendment of the energy efficiency laws of 2009 and 2012) with the European Directive 27/2012 is expected to be voted by the end of this month. The Directive, establishes a common framework of measures for the promotion of energy efficiency within the European Union, to ensure the achievement of 2020 targets, for 20% increase of energy efficiency, 20% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and 20% energy production by renewable resources.
One of the main requirements of the Directive 27/2012, is the need for all the organizations which are not SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) to undergo energy audits. The deadline for this requirement is the 5th of December 2015. Due to the fact that the definition and the content of an energy audit are not strictly specified, most of the energy auditors give their own definition and content according to the project requirements. However, the Directive 27/2012 clearly defines (article 2, par.25) that the energy audit is a systematic procedure, with the purpose of obtaining adequate knowledge of the existing energy consumption profile of a building or group of buildings, an industrial or commercial operation or installation or a private or public service, identifying and quantifying cost-effective energy savings opportunities. In this respect, Annex VI of the directive specifies the minimum criteria of the energy audit.
One of the main criteria specified in the directive, is the requirement for a detailed review of the energy consumption profile of the inspected building, based on up-to-date, measured and traceable operational data on energy consumption. The energy audits shall be also proportionate but sufficiently representative, and they shall be developed (whenever possible) in Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) instead of Simple Payback Periods. Obviously, in order to achieve these objectives the energy audit could not be a simple walk-through audit. In any case, the energy audit shall comply with the requirements of the European Standards ΕΝ 16247-1:2012, EN16247-2:2014 and ΕΝ16247-3:2014.
Considering the above analysis, we would like to underline that the basic idea of carrying out a detailed energy audit, should not merely be the compliance with the needs of the directive and the harmonised legislation. We strongly believe that a qualitative energy audit will provide huge opportunities for energy and cost savings, as well as improve the carbon footprint of the audited organization, in the framework of a wider approach for environmental and social responsibility.
Chrysanthos Marouchos
Electrical Engineer / Energy Auditor
Value Creation Consulting Ltd (VCC)