Energy Efficiency Solutions
Energy Saving Solutions / Renewable Energy Solutions
- Assessment of lighting systems – solutions for energy efficient lighting, including the integration of smart automations
- Assessment of HVAC systems (Heating – Ventilation – Air Conditioning) – utilization of innovative technologies for energy saving
- Assessment of the building envelope (walls, roof, etc) – Thermal Insulation and Comfort
- Assessment of the building openings (doors and windows) – Thermal Insulation and Comfort, Solar Factor, Light Factor optimization
- Solar radiation assessment – Shading systems and solar films
- Assessment of the IT Equipment and Data Centers infrastructure
- Power Analysis and Optimization
- Infrared Imaging (Thermography) – energy losses and malfunction identification
- Assessment of Voltage Optimization Solutions and Power Factor Correction
- Assessment of the installation of Drives and Controllers on electromechanical equipment with variable load (VSDs, VFDs, Controllers, Inverters, etc)
- Assessment of Energy Management Systems (Metering and Targeting)
- Assessment and optimization of Air Pressure Systems
- Assessment of energy tariffs – introduce procedures for optimum energy management
- Assessment for the use of automations on industrial processes and significant energy uses (SEUs)
- Energy efficiency inspection of machinery, equipment and systems – integration of energy improvement technologies

- Evaluation of preventive and corrective maintenance on the electromechanical equipment and systems
- Energy efficiency assessment of refrigerators and freezers – energy improvement opportunities
- Assessment of heat recovery technologies
- Utilization of renewable energy resources for electricity production
- Utilization of renewable energy resources for heating, cooling and hot water
- Assessment for energy storage opportunities
- Inspection and evaluation of vehicles – integration of fuel saving technologies
- Optimization of driving behaviour and fuel savings
- Optimization of fleet routes and fuel savings
- Effective utilization of fleet management technologies (GPS systems, OBDs, etc)
- Evaluation of preventive and corrective maintenance on vehicles
- Drivers training and assessment – design of incentive schemes
- New Technologies on transport (Hybrids, Electric cars, natural gas transformation, etc)
- Design of operational procedures for optimized energy use
- Personnel training schemes and courses for effective energy management – establish energy saving culture within the organization
- Environmental responsibility and social value, via effective energy management and reduction of carbon emissions