Significant Benefits Of Our Energy Savings
- Develop the energy balance and the energy consumption profile of the audited buildings, premises and vehicles
- Energy Cost Analysis
- Inspection and assessment of the equipment and systems – identify energy deficiencies and solutions for energy improvement – operational cost savings
- Technical Assessment and rating of the energy saving solutions identified, for optimum and reliable results
- Financial Assessment and rating of the energy saving solutions identified, for high investment return
- Reduce operational expenses for operating and maintaining the buildings, premises and vehicles
- Reduce green house gas emissions of the audited organization

- Suggestions and methods for improving thermal comfort – enhance productivity – achieve customer satisfaction and high customer ratings
- Suggestions and methods for improving Air Quality
- Sick building syndrome analysis and assessment – health and safety issues
- Identify faulty operation of equipment and machinery – repairing suggestions – continuity of operations – resource savings
- Identify possible health and safety risks from the use and maintenance of the equipment and systems
- Improve Environmental and Social Responsibility of the organization
- Utilize the energy audit study to apply for local and international funding and financing schemes on energy saving investments